
Founder & Manager

Chess Master

IM, Latvian Champion 2016

Chess is “Three things in One”  said 9th World Champion T. Petrosian.
It’s a Sport, Art and Science. I would add fourth component to this formula – Socialization ! We enjoy and promote the socialization part of Chess as much as the game itself.

In our modern, hectic & high-tech world there is less time to stop, unwind and have informal chat or meaningful conversation. Besides that, we seemed to have migrated online along with Chess which is increasingly played on mobile devices or internet.

We would like to stop the trend and bring people back to playing in real, with real persons in parks, squares or in our case – in the club.

We hope you will find many interesting and friendly players among us.
Personally, I wish you thrilling games and memorable encounters in Riga Chess Club.

Socially and Chessfully Yours,
Ivo Gubanovs
Founder & Manager