
Assesment – Our Chess Masters are like Doctors who will assess and diagnose your chess health ! Please contact us in advance and we’ll try to match your skill level with respective coach.

Study Plan – is tailor made program for individuals who wish to improve their chess skills (tactics, strategy, openings, preparation…)

Consultation Game – Session of 2 to 3 live games during which player is helped to make better moves, adviced to play according to plan, make constant evaluation of possions.

Post Tournament analysis – Player brings along his/her records of tournament games which then are analized, mistakes recognised and suggestions to improve ones game given.

Meeting Grand Master – it’s not always easy to get hold of one. If they’re not playing, they may be press shy, not fluent in languages or just tired and relaxing from exhausting tournament schedule. Inform us in advance and we’ll do our magic toarrange a friendly meeting on matters of chess.

More to follow shortly ….