
Winners of  JAGERMEISTER Cup  – 12 Dec, 2017.
As always, GM N. Miezis poped in and supervised the event.
The cup winner for women was Latvian WGM Dana Rezniece-Ozola but for man our young chess star (18 years of age) FM Dima Tokranov. Third place went to English IM Craig Harley who happened to be visiting Riga.

GM Jevgeny Sveshnikov – the unexpected winner of “Lielvardes Alus” open. 
Besides being kind enough to attend this tournament, Jevgeny presented to our club his recently won Chess Cup. We had to reciprocate somehow on the spot, hopefully the bottle of single malt will be used for good, medical reasons.

FIDE Master Linda Krumina showing off her biggest trophy. 
It took time and dedication to return to chess after 10 year break.
Linda played at two international events prior Latvian Championship so as to prepare properly for her new title.